Is Your Angel With You?

Thirty five years ago, while awaiting the birth of my second child, I “saw” a beautiful image. It was a huge angel with the most gorgeous wings! The wings were shimmering gold and bronze with ornate designs embedded on them! This angel was walking away from me holding the hands of two children: one was my daughter; then three years old, the other was a little boy. I didn’t recognize the boy; though he seemed to know me…both children kept looking back at me…then at the angel…they seemed to be filled with joy to be able to be with this angel. I never forgot this beautiful scene and kept it in my heart throughout the years ahead.

The little boy was born to me with multiple heart defects. He was not expected to live past five months. Through some very close calls, I often remembered the image and came to believe that I had been privileged to see my children’s guardian angel. Fourteen years and six experimental open heart surgeries later, and after returning from another life threating heart operation, I found myself in sheer exhaustion only able to pray the words: “Lord…Lord”…when I, again, “saw” that angel with the magnificent wings! This time though I “saw” him with images of ME through the years: sitting for endless hours in the hospital next to my son’s bed or in the intensive care unit, while I prayed desperately for his life. The angel was sitting right there beside me. I then realized that this was MY angel! He had been with me every step of the way, lifting me up, comforting me and giving me strength through prayer…

The rest is a miracle. It has been thirty five years and eight experimental open heart procedures later…and my son is alive!

In sharing this with my dear friend and prayer partner, she became inspired and wrote the song “My Angel” as a gift to me! I now pass it on to you. God bless you and may His angels lift you up, comfort you and give you strength!

MY ANGEL, words by Michelle Morse

1. Through fear and disbelief, in loneliness and grief, in sorrow and in pain, when prayers all seem in vain.

Refrain: My angel is with me, I’m never alone. He’s lifting me up on His mighty hand, lest I cast my foot against a stone. Mt angel’s a warrior, he’s brave and he’s strong. He’s fighting my battles and holding my hand, so God triumphs over wrong!

2. God’s given his command; I’m in the angel’s hand. Protector from above, the messenger of love!

3. Not flesh and blood my foe, but unseen things I know. God won the war when he sent Christ to die for me!


Linda Rose is available for Retreats, Programs, Nights of Witness and Song, Spiritual Direction, and Speaking Engagements. Learn more at